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My frequently asked
questions revealed.

Are there meal plans available?


  • Nope, I’d much rather show you what to look for meal-wise to help you achieve your goals rather than keeping you blind to what the meal plans would been providing. This way you are able make decisions for yourself on what to eat and it teaches you a skill for life


Are the monthly programmes personalised to me?


  • Yes! I tailor the programmes to your individual needs to help streamline the process of you reaching your goals


Can I change goal or programme?


  • Of course, to reach a goal usually takes time and before we start training we will run through and narrow down what that goal is. For whatever reason though, if you wish to change goal we can switch up the programme.


I don’t have access to a gym, can I still use the plan outside of our sessions?


  • Yes! I can tailor the programme for home workouts and other outdoor physical exercise to help reach your goal


Whats the difference in buying a plan off you or training with you?


  • Some people prefer working alone and simply want a guideline to apply effort to, and that’s fine. However those individuals do’t receive the coaching through their fitness journey that’s provided with training with me. I answer all questions through the direct line, change and improve plans to better suit the individual and help educate the small easy-to-learn principles that allow you to take your health and fitness into your own hands in future.


I have a hormone related issue such as PCOS, can I still work with you?


  • Yes!, although I am not a specialist on the subject I still know sufficient amount to help you progress. If I can’t help you with your health & fitness I would happily point you in the direction of someone who would be better suited to your individual needs.


Where are you located?


  • My studio is located in Backwell, just outside of Bristol

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