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Take control of your
health & fitness

Are you ready to invest in yourself ?

Most PTs simply take you through a workout, keeping the tools you need to achieve your goals at an arm lengths away in order to keep you as a client. I don’t believe in that type of business and that’s why I prioritise teaching small easy-to-learn principles as we progress through your sessions in order to give you the ability to take control of your weight, muscle mass or physical fitness.

What do you get by signing up?

You'll get Weekly Training Plans

for work in our sessions and outside of our sessions in your own time in the gym

A Direct line
with me

A direct Line to me for questions regarding your plan, nutritional advice and fitness related questions

One 2 One Training Sessions with me

1-1 or 2-1 PT sessions in my private studio 

Sign Up Today, and start your journey:


Need to know your
calories? - I got you!


Calculate how many calories you need to consume. Whether you want to gain mass, loose wait or maintain your body weight this simple tool is a great starting point.


Join the list of Success stories

"With Harrison’s help and a bit of hard work it became easy to start seeing results and become happier with my body"

Sam Aplin, 23, Worle

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